Thursday, October 16, 2014

OAM - Webcenter Content Imaging (IPM) Logout Configuration

Environment Details

Oracle Access Manager - Version and later
Oracle WebCenter Content: Imaging - Version and later


Here we are talking about the typical Fusion Application environment consisting of multiple applications like for ex: Oracle Webcenter Content, Imaging and Portal. OAM is used to provide the SSO fuctionality. I faced problem while configuring the SSO logout URL for IPM application.


To configure SSO logout url for Oracle Webcenter Content and portal, we run the command -

addOAMSSOProvider(loginuri, logouturi, autologinuri)

See Oracle Doc for details.

The same solution doesn't go well with IPM. I fixed it by writing the redirect rules in web server using the OHS URL rewrite engine. I am not sure if it's the oracle recommended approach.

RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} end_url=/imaging [NC]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} logout=true [NC]
RewriteRule ^/imaging/adfAuthentication  /imaging/adfAuthentication?logout=true&end_url=<OAM-Logout-URL>[L,R=301]

<OAM-Logout-URL> - http://OAMServer_host:14200/oam/server/logout

Go through the below links to get better understanding of OHS Rewrite Rules and flags - (Very Good explaination of L Flag)


Passed Oracle ADF 12c Essentials Exam (1Z0-419) !!

I recently passed the Oracle ADF 12c exam(1Z0-419) and impressed with the exam pattern and question selection.

Here are my thoughts -

  1. Questions are more structured and conceptual compared to the earlier ADF Essentials Exam (1Z0-554).
  2. Surprisingly, not even one question asked on the added features in ADF 12c. So, the course material is same as earlier ADF exam.
  3. Most of the questions test the practical knowledge and concepts instead of just mugging up the study/developer guide.
  4. 87 questions in 120 minutes is not easy as many of the questions are multiple choice and require reading al l the options. So, don't think time is too much.
  5. To pass the exam, just follow the Student Guides and cover each and every topic because questions are asked from all the topics.I really liked the questions asked on debugging scenarios. I followed Oracle student guides(D68160 and D68161). D68162 covers advance topics and not many questions are asked in exam from that.